Waste management

  • Sorting bins for recycling paper, cardboard, glass and plastic in employee rooms and work areas.
  • Adding a compost bin for food waste
  • Reduction of single-use plastics:
    • Reusable tableware in the rooms
    • Free reusable glasses and cups for coffee/lemonade at reception
    • Plastic bag for utensils replaced by a leather case
    • Reusable empty jam jars to replace plastic containers for breakfast granola
  • Reducing the use of paper to a minimum, for example:
    • Sending invoices by email
    • Printing on the back of sheets already used for internal documents
    • Use of new technologies to limit printing
  • Recycling Nespresso capsules
  • Disposal of hazardous materials (batteries, bulbs, electronic devices, etc.) at the ecocenter.
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